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Since 2016  Principal Geologist – Global Resource Mineral Services


                                      Offering brand-name skills at independent rates: resource estimation, due diligence, design and oversight of QA/QC



2014 to 2016              Principal Geologist – AMC Mining Consultants (Canada) Ltd.


                                      Project management, high-level reviews of properties for acquisition, writing NI 43-101 technical reports,

                                      QA/QC reviews and recommendations, resource modelling, mineral resource estimation, site visits, technical assistance

                                      and mentoring.



2005 to 2014               Senior Geologist – Tetra Tech Inc.

                                      Primarily responsible for Mineral Resource estimation and the preparation of NI 43-101 and JORC technical reports for a

                                      diverse range of mineral commodities and deposit types. Although projects were located throughout the world, the majority

                                      were in Asia, particularly in China. A significant portion of the period from 2007 to 2012 was spent in establishing and

                                      developing Tetra Tech offices in the UK (Swindon), Beijing, and Hong Kong. While in Hong Kong Greg functioned as a technical

                                      auditor for the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.



1988 to 2005               Independent Geological Consultant

                                      Contracts included technical evaluation of mining operations and mineral properties, participation in feasibility studies and

                                      resource estimations, data synthesis, and management of geological exploration programmes including mapping,

                                      geochemical and geophysical surveying and diamond drilling. Commodities and deposit types were primarily massive

                                      sulphides in volcanic and sedimentary environments, and gold in a variety of environments. In addition to acting as country

                                      manager for projects in Albania and Tunisia, a major event during this period was to participate in the discovery and early

                                      exploration of the Citronen Fjord sedimentary-exhalative lead-zinc deposit in northern Greenland.


1986 to 1988               Manager, Exploration and Acquisition – Asamera Minerals Inc.

                                      Responsibilities included the administration of an office with a staff of two to four professionals and an annual budget

                                      of several million dollars. Exploration programmes ranged from grass-roots to diamond drilling with emphasis on gold

                                      and platinum-group metals. A significant portion of non-administrative time was spent in the evaluation of potential

                                      acquisitions ranging from raw prospects to properties in or near production.


1984 to 1986               Chief Geologist – Asamera Inc.

                                      Responsibilities largely related to property evaluations and project management. During the pre-production phase of

                                      the Cannon Mine (1,700 ton-per-day gold mine, Washington State), a significant amount of time was spent in the generation

                                      of cash-flow forecasts and break-even analysis.


1981 to 1984               Chief Geologist – Petro Canada Resources

                                      Responsible for the conception and generation of exploration programs for base and precious metals in the Canadian Arctic.

                                      Staff ranged from one to six professionals and annual budgets ranged between one and two million dollars.


1980 to 1981               Project Geologist – Cominco Ltd. (Polaris Mine)

                                      Responsibilities included technical support to engineering mine design, Ore Reserve estimation, and the generation and

                                      execution of definition and exploration drill programmes. In addition, supervision of geological activities associated with

                                      mine development and eventual production were carried out. This included mapping of underground development and

                                      geotechnical evaluations of the plant and tailings disposal sites.


1973 to 1980              Geologist – Cominco Ltd.

                                     Responsibilities included all aspects of exploration for base and precious metals, project generation, planning, budget

                                     preparation, field work and reporting. From 1976 onwards, activities included project management. Programmes varied

                                     from preliminary reconnaissance to diamond drilling. Commodities sought included lead, zinc, copper, gold, tin, tungsten,

                                     diamonds, and uranium. Geological environments were primarily sedimentary and volcanic.

















ï‚· Alcoa, Nassau Project, Suriname – Data compilation, interpretation, documentation, and evaluation.

ï‚· Alexander Mining, Yangoru Project, PNG – Technical report

ï‚· Augusta Resources Corp., Mt. Hamilton Mine, Nevada, USA – Due diligence examination.

ï‚· Beijing Jiuyi Investment Co. Ltd., Jinlongshan, China – NI 43-101 resource estimate for shear-hosted gold property

ï‚· Beijing Jiuyi Investment Co. Ltd., Sarbulak, China – NI 43-101 technical report on vein-type gold property.

ï‚· Canadian Gold Hunter, Various Properties, Nunavut, Canada – Evaluation and documentation.

ï‚· Continental Minerals Corp., Xietongmen Project, Tibet, China – Audit of resource estimate for porphyry copper gold property.

ï‚· Continental Minerals, Newtongmen Property, Tibet, China – NI 43-101 technical report and resource estimate for porphyry copper-gold deposit.

ï‚· Dexing Huajin Mining Co. Ltd., Qishiwu and Shangtangkeng, China – Technical report and resource estimate on vein-type gold deposits.

ï‚· Gitennes Resources Ltd., Tucumachay, Peru – Due diligence examination.

ï‚· Goldrea Resource Corp., Rushan Daye Mine, China – NI 43-101 report and property evaluation for vein/shear hosted gold property.

ï‚· GSL Group, Miaoshan, China – NI 43-101 technical report on vein-type gold properties.

ï‚· J-Pacific Gold Corp., Elizabeth Property, BC, Canada – Project supervision, NI 43-101 report for vein-type gold property.

ï‚· Junheung International Co. Ltd., Yuan Jia Ling Property, China – JORC technical report and resource estimate for vein-type gold deposit.

ï‚· Lupaka Gold Corp., Crucero Property, Peru – NI 43-101 technical report and resource estimate for mesothermal gold deposit.

ï‚· Majestic Gold Corp., Sawayaerdun, China – NI 43-101 reports for shear-hosted gold property.

ï‚· Majestic Gold Corp., Song Jiagou, China – NI 43-101 reports for shear/disseminated gold property.

ï‚· Mediterranean Resources Ltd., Tac & Corak, Turkey – NI 43-101resource estimates on vein-type gold properties.

ï‚· Mongol Gazar Holding, Olon Ovoot, Mongolia – NI 43-101 reports for vein-type gold property.

ï‚· Nebex Resources, Various Properties, Italy – Evaluation, exploration project management.

ï‚· Playfair Resources, San Nicolas Property, Mexico – Project supervision, interpretation, and documentation.

ï‚· Prime Resources, Eskay Creek, BC, Canada – Geological interpretation and modelling.

ï‚· River Hills Resource Corp., El Salto, Ecuador – NI 43-101 report for porphyry copper-gold property.

ï‚· River Hills Resource Corp., Rio Napo, Ecuador – NI 43-101 report for placer gold property.

ï‚· Rolling Rock Resources Corp., Monument Bay Project, MB, Canada – NI 43-101 resource estimate for vein-type gold property.

ï‚· Stratagold Corp., Lynx Project, Yukon, Canada – NI 43-101 resource estimate for vein-type gold property.



ï‚· Aurora Metals, Various Properties, Tunisia – Project management, and documentation.

ï‚· Aurcana Inc., La Negra Mine, Mexico – Resource estimate

ï‚· Canadian Zinc, Prairie Creek Mine, Canada – Resource estimate

ï‚· Cominco Engineering Services Ltd., Lan Ping, China – Pre-feasibility study.

ï‚· Great Panther Resources, Guanajuato Mine, Mexico – Resource estimate.

ï‚· Ironbark Ltd., Citron Fjord, Greenland – NI 43-101 technical report and resource estimate.

ï‚· Minco Silver Corporation, Fuwan Property, China – Resource estimation audit.

ï‚· Nebex Resources, Mirdita, Albania – Project management and documentation.

ï‚· Platinova Resources, Citronen Fjord, Greenland – Exploration, discovery, interpretation, and documentation.


Other Commodities

 Asia Resources Holdings, Dampar Iron Sand Property, Indonesia – Technical report

 Augusta Resources, Rosemont Property (Porphyry Copper), Arizona, USA – Technical report

 Augusta Resources, Hardshell Property (Silver), Arizona, USA – Technical report

 Guangan Kota Metals, Kimpe Cu-Co Property, DRC – Resource estimate

 Panwa Kanbauk, Tin Mine, Myanmar – Resource definition drill program

 Platinum Group Metals, Lakemount Project, ON, Canada – Resource estimate.

 Sabina Silver, Hackett River Project, NT, Canada – NI 43-101 resource estimate for volcanogenic massive sulphide property.

 Sichuan Descheng, Ilmenite Sand Property, Mozambique – Technical report

 Stillwater Mining, Montana, USA – Ore reserve and grade control review.

 Thompson Creek Mining, Endako Mine, BC, Canada – NI 43-101 resource estimate for porphyry molybdenum property.

3373 Capilano Crescent
North Vancouver Canada V7R 4W7


T: 1+ 778 882 3761


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